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What we know about the 4th Safe&Smart city conference to be held in Nice

The 4th Safe&Smart city conference will be held in Nice from 7 to 9 December at the Palais de la Méditerranée. Benefiting from an exceptional partnership between Israel, the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis and the Southern Region, it will bring together political decision-makers, business leaders and innovators, leading personalities with high expertise, around security issues and the smart city. Ambition stated: “Better life, safer word and shared values”.

All the areas on which the quality of life of citizens depends will be addressed.


Why do you have to participate? Arié Bensemhoum, Executive Director of Elnet France, a think-tank on the strategic dialogue between France and Israel, organizer of the conference, argues.


Why is it essential to bring together politicians, entrepreneurs and innovators around security and the smart city?

Arié Bensemhoun: “Because the 3 energies must converge if we want the subject to really move forward. The innovator works with technology, the entrepreneur implements it and the policy gives him a framework, composed of the legal character and the vision of the society in which we want to live. If a link in the chain is missing, it doesn’t work.”

Why is having a Safe and Smart city a topic for the future?

“Because cities are a major challenge in the organization of modern society, increasingly urban society with a population concentrated in large metropolitan areas. It is essential to work on their organization.”

What should we work on?

“To ensure that the social bond is not broken, that social peace is preserved. Everyone expects a modern society to meet their aspirations and demands more and more services from it. Municipalities have a major level of responsibility there. The mayor plays an even more decisive role.”


How to be a safe and smart city?

“There is an explosion of innovation. New technologies are available. Smart cities will be those that use these innovations to improve the quality of life of citizens. To provide them with effective services. Services to citizens are a way forward.”

We see the emergence of trade fairs here and there that present solutions for more accessible, more helpful cities. What is the difference with Safe&Smart city?

“Addressing both Safe and Smart issues at the same time. The larger the cities become, the more security issues arise. Technology often precedes use, tools exist. It is necessary to consider how to use them. To put them at the service of the citizen.”


When you talk about security, what are you talking about?

“The safety of the population in all its aspects. Cybersecurity is one component of this. Innovation exposes citizens in new ways. Privacy security is re-interviewed by data. We must work on the safety of the installations and the confidentiality of data. This in addition to all security issues in the most pragmatic sense, due to the increase in crime, the terrorist threat but also the social balance. The city, the heart of the political system, can become a theatre of confrontation. We saw it with yellow vests.”

Does this mean that there is no real freedom without security?

“Our living spaces must be rich in services provided to those who live there, in an environment that is fair, fun and well thought out, ecological and efficient at the same time. Addressing Safe and Smart at the same time allows subjects to progress with more balance. Not a freaky city but not a city left to its own devices either. A balance between the two dimensions. Innovation that serves safety.”


The issue is a citizen issue?

“He is human. It is to ensure that in the territory, in the metropolises, in a relationship of sharing and fraternity, the city of tomorrow is a model of a republic in motion.”

A republic with the values of freedom, equality, fraternity?

“These three concerns are inseparable. They are our pillars. If you remove one, you fall. They represent the ideal of our living together, they are the guarantor of the balance of the ecosystem, a social and ecological balance, rich in each of its components. Denying the evolution of our societies, the evolution of the solutions that present themselves, is the best way to fall. It is better to anticipate questions.”

What will we find at the 4th Safe&Smart City conference?

“Tools and methods to make our cities smarter, safer places. The conference is above all a place of exchange. The quality of the audience will also make it a success. Decision-makers, entrepreneurs, innovators and influencers are invited. We invite experts and senior officials to meet there to advance our thinking. Collectively.”

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