Monaco launches a call for proposals for the future waste treatment centre

Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Government Advisor-Minister of Equipment, Environment and Urbanism, announced the launch of the call for proposals for the creation of a treatment and recovery centre non-recyclable waste.

“The goal is to have, by 2026, exemplary equipment in terms of environmental impact, showcase innovative technological solutions while being adapted to certain constraints (site, urban environment, etc.)” said Marie -Pierre Gramaglia.

To this end, a call for technological proposals will be published by the end of March, at the international level. It will bring out the best technologies available, or as innovations, to treat the waste of the Principality. At the end of this first phase, which will end on July, 3 to 5 technology builders should be selected.


They will have to meet the following criteria:

  • Minimise the environmental impacts of the Project (level and nature of the level of olfactory and noise pollution discharges, level of impacts on residents …)
  • Fully control industrial risks and optimise the safety of facilities for staff, visitors and residents
  • Give priority to reducing the greenhouse gas’s direct greenhouse gas emissions in the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol.

Phase 2, which concerns the competition of candidates for the Concession, will last approximately 1 year. This step will require the manufacturers of selected technologies, the creation of a complete team including an operator, contractors and financial partners. Following the negotiations with the Monegasque State, the choice of the incumbent will be announced (latest at the end of the first half of 2020).

To support this reflection, the Department of Urban Planning (DAU), in coordination with the Environment Directorate, has formed a multidisciplinary team. “The urban aspect is very important in this project because the entry of Monaco by the low cornice, a particularly significant architectural gesture will be required to dress this new treatment centre,” said Marie-Pierre Gramaglia in her presentation.