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Monaco Art Week from 24 to 28 April 2019

The Monaco Art Week Association was born from the desire to federate the Monegasque cultural actors, during their joint actions, spread over different districts of the Principality.

The second edition of Monaco Art Week will take place from 24 to 28 April 2019. On this occasion, 11 galleries and auction houses, divided into ten locations, join together for exhibitions and many artistic meetings. A place of synergy and exchange, these cultural events help to highlight and disseminate artistic creation in Monaco.

Specialists in ancient, modern and contemporary art, the professionals who participate in Monaco Art Week, work together, to allow the public to come alone or in a group to apprehend and discover different periods of the history of art. The originality of the Monaco Art Week journey lies in the dialogue and resonance between different artistic genres over nearly 5 centuries, and the exhibitions of this edition demonstrate it once again.


At the Condamine, the NM> Contemporary Gallery presents five emerging Italian artists whose work is based on the plasticity of powder and light through different mediums.

In the Monte-Carlo district, the Artcurial auction house opens an urban sculpture trail in collaboration with the hotels of the Monaco Sea Bath Society.

At the Grippaldi gallery, an exhibition is devoted to the founding years of the Ecole de Nice.

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In the same street, the auction house Wannenes, organises an exhibition on the Belle Époque period, where many paintings will be discovered for the first time in the Principality.

Inaugurated in the summer of 2018, the Galerie Bartoux Monaco is one of the main windows of the family group, and the visitors will have the pleasure to admire, among others, a work of Raoul Dufy resulting from his series of the Nice bay. As well as a painting by Keith Haring.

Finally, Sotheby’s will exhibit, as it did last year at the Moretti Fine Art Gallery, the highlights and jewels of Parisian springtime sales of design and African art.

At Larvotto, Kamil Art Gallery, specialising in Iranian art, presents for the first time in Europe works by modern artist Ali Akbar Sadeghi. Born in 1937, this painter was one of the most prolific and influential of his generation.

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At the G & M Design Gallery, the must-see David Bailey will be honoured. Photographer of the counterculture and figure of the sixties, this exhibition pays homage to a photographic work of the most striking of the 20th century.

Finally, the Monaco Modern’Art gallery presents a personal exhibition by Philippe Pastor, on the theme of the Anthropocene, where his research of the gesture and the material will be found as much in the series of abstract canvases as in the striking bronze sculptures charred trees.

During the event, a free shuttle service is available for all visitors. These provide uninterrupted transport, through the three main neighbourhoods where the participants are located: Larvotto – Monte Carlo – Condamine. This format facilitates access to exhibitions, encouraging everyone to explore the Monegasque cultural landscape, while complementing a particularly dynamic cultural offer with: the Monte-Carlo Spring Arts Festival, the exhibitions of the New National Museum of Monaco, the new creation of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, the art and contemporary art exhibitions artmonte-carlo and PAD, as well as numerous prestigious sales.

Finally, throughout the year, the Monaco Art Week website and social networks make it possible to follow the exhibitions and events of the partners, becoming the platform of reference to know the artistic news in the Principality.

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