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The Principality of Monaco re-elected as President of the General Assembly of the Intergovernmental Organization Eutelsat-IGO

A Monegasque delegation took part in the 41st Meeting of the Assembly of Parties of the Intergovernmental Organization Eutelsat-IGO, held in Paris, on 10 and 11 April 2019.

On this occasion, Frédéric Labarrère, Minister Counselor and President-in-Office since March 2017, was re-elected for two years as President of the Assembly of Parties by the representatives of the European member states of this Intergovernmental Organization.

At the opening of the Assembly, several high-level participants spoke on the political, economic and technological context of satellite telecommunications.


During the two days of the Assembly, many issues were considered by the experts. Such as those relating to the use of radio frequencies, the deliberate interference of programs transmitted by satellite or the participation of Eutelsat-IGO in the Commission the UN to reduce the digital divide.

For the record, the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization Eutelsat was founded in 1977. It set up the first telecommunications satellite system in Europe. In 2001, the Organization changed status and created Eutelsat SA, a satellite operator, to which it transferred its operational and commercial activities.