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Coronavirus in Monaco: cost of Covid–19, solidarity, basketball…

coronavirus monaco
Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

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  • Now new cases since last Saturday. To date, 94 people have been infected with the novel coronavirus.
  • 27 people have now recovered.
  • 5 people are hospitalised.
  • 3 of them are in intensive care.
  • 77 people are self-isolating at home and are monitored by doctors

Not all the people tested and hospitalised are residents of the Principality.


“In a country where the budget is generally balanced, where the last deficit dates back to the 2009-2011 global crisis (€200 million spread over three years), we are talking here about nearly €350 million in surplus spending… in just 3 months!”

Jean Castellini, Government Counsellor-Minister of Finance and Economy

“We feel real solidarity”

Erwan Grimaud, founder of drone company MC Clic


A record deficit of 477.3 M€ to keep the national economy afloat: This deficit is equivalent to a third of the Principality’s overall budget and a quarter of the available reserves of the Constitutional Reserve Fund (FRC). Even though it is endowed with a total of 5.5 billion euros, the FRC only accounts for a little over 2 billion in available liquid assets. It is therefore advisable to be “prudent and pragmatic in the budgetary choices that will require drawing on this Reserve Fund. It is the heritage of all Monegasques. It must be managed intelligently, sparingly and in a virtuous manner”, pointed out Jean Castellini, Government Counsellor and Minister of Finance and the Economy.

The Councillor-Minister also indicated that, in this period of crisis, “each month, the State injects 75 M€ (1/3 in aid to companies, 2/3 to finance the Total Temporary Reinforced Unemployment Benefit (CTTR)), to which must be added indirect aid to companies, up to 50 M€, through loans from banking establishments supported by the State”.

To cope with this new budgetary situation, Jean Castellini mentioned the following options:

  • Considering new revenue for the State in the field of the digital economy, in the strong recovery expected in the tourism sector and by favouring the local economy at the time of recovery.
  • Control expenditure, particularly operating expenditure. “State services will contribute through their efforts to this savings policy, as announced by the Prince’s Palace”.
  • Do not lower capital expenditure ambitions.

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