Earth Day: Prince Albert calls for a new equilibrium between Human and Nature

Speaking on the occasion of the 50th World Earth Day, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco delivered a message of hope but also a call for a new balance between Man and Nature.
Against the backdrop of the health crisis that the Principality and the rest of the world are currently experiencing, the Sovereign stressed that “this crisis should prompt us into protecting our Planet, its climate, biodiversity and oceans more effectively.”
“While our world is experiencing an unprecedented health crisis, I would like to send you a message of hope and mobilisation. Over the past few weeks, our lives have changed at an unprecedented speed. These upheavals will inevitably continue. It is up to us to turn this situation to our advantage, to ensure that the current suffering leads to a better world. The human frailty we are seeing should lead to us to think about our priorities and reinventing our relationship with nature.”
“Under the threat of coronavirus, in just a few days we have not only had to but also have been able to adapt our ways of living, giving up things we thought were essential”
This Wednesday, April 22nd, Earth Day celebrates its 50th anniversary. This day is celebrated each year in dozens of countries around the world. Its aim is to raise citizens’ awareness of their relationship with the Earth and their impact on the environment. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 after Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson encouraged students to take an interest in the environmental cause.
This year, Earth Day takes place in an unusual context. While quarantine measures prevent public gatherings, many initiatives are being organised online. This is the case of “Earth Day Live 2020“, an event taking place from 22 to 24 April and attracting several celebrities.