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Covid-19, concussions, new scanner… today’s essential health news

Inauguration with H.S.H Prince Albert II copyright CCM Fitte
Inauguration with H.S.H Prince Albert II copyright CCM Fitte

An update on the latest headlines on the health front this Monday, 20 December.

Covid-19 – a 97-year old resident died on Sunday.  This brings the total number of coronavirus-related deaths among Principality residents to 37 since the beginning of the Covid-19 health crisis. 18 people are still in hospital at the CHPG, 6 of whom are in intensive care.  The Government stresses the importance of getting vaccinated against Covid-19.


L’AS Monaco joins in the fight against concussions with the CHPG – ASM is taking part in a pilot study whose aim is to better understand and treat concussions, creating a widely available specialised care scheme. “We realised that there are a great number of similarities in the issues to do with treating head injuries for professional footballers, and for sports or non-sports patients in A&E” explained Sylvain Blanchard, head doctor at the club.

The world’s first photon-counting scanner has been inaugurated in Monaco – Prince Albert II was present at the cardio-thoracic centre on 16 December for the inauguration.  The photon-counting scanner will be dedicated exclusively to cardiovascular pathologies and should make it possible to rapidly obtain much sharper and more accurate images than with existing scanners. The technology also reduces the radiation dosagee and the quantity of products injected into patients; the most fragile patients will therefore be able to cope better with this scanner.