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Monaco station ranks 1st among 122 stations in a satisfaction survey

Several surveys were carried out by the BVA Group earlier this year in July and September among users of the 122 stations of the SNCF network.

The following 5 items were evaluated, as well as an index of “overall satisfaction”:

  • The cleanliness and safety of the station
  • The movements in the station
  • Information
  • Shops / services in the train station
  • The quality of the moment spent in the station.

Out of these 122 stations, the Principality ranks first for both surveys. Each item evaluated progresses between July and September and the overall satisfaction score increases from 8.30 to 8.45 / 10.


These results are not just a work of one person, but rather the fruit of a common work. All thanks to the Station Manager, the service providers, the traders, the SNCF TER Agents and the Public Security.

Some key points to remember are as follows:

  • The station of the Principality is the first to reach this level of quality and requirement.
  • Monaco is in 1st position on the item “Cleanliness” (9.03 / 10). No other station reaches 9/10 on an item.
  • In “overall satisfaction”, Monaco is also on the 1st step of the podium.
  • The excellent results on cleanliness and safety result are a work of the daily work carried out by the Public Security.
  • “Travel information” is up 0.68 between July and September.
  • The progress made on the item “shops” will be all the more significant with the renovation of the station hall and shops, planned for 2019.

The two other stations on the podium are respectively Meuse TGV (8.28 / 10 in overall satisfaction) and Belfort Montbéliard TGV (8.27 / 10).

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