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Didier Gamerdinger invited to participate in the work of the FEDEM

On Tuesday, February 26, Didier Gamerdinger, Government Counselor-Minister of Social Affairs and Health, and Pascale Pallanca, Director of Labor, went to the Federation of Monegasque Enterprises (FEDEM) to attend its Federal Council, in the presence 21 Presidents of employers’ unions gathered around the President of the FEDEM, Philippe Ortelli.

Several topics were discussed and gave rise to in-depth and constructive discussions. They concerned in particular:

  • Bill 980 on the regulation of night work
  • Bill No. 979 on the weekly rest of employees
  • The consultation process envisaged for the updating of the October and November 1944 laws on trade unions and the determination of trade union representativeness criteria
  • Digital services will soon be put online by the Labor Department to facilitate and streamline relations with employers and employees.

Didier Gamerdinger underlined that he remains “attentive to associate the FEDEM with the reflections in progress or project, in order to take into account the expectations of the entrepreneurs who contribute, by their activities, to the development of the employment and the economic prosperity of the Principality.”


Philippe Ortelli praised the quality of his exchanges on important issues for the economic and social success of the country, at a time when balanced legislative changes are needed.

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