Assises of Digital Education

As part of the Prince’s Government’s digital transition strategy, the Department of the Interior and the Interministerial Delegation in charge of Digital Transition have drawn up an “e-education” roadmap that carries a vision, that of an optimised education by the digital and responsible in the use of tools, while maintaining what makes the DNA of the Monegasque educational system.

In this context, more than 200 primary and secondary school teachers from the Principality were invited to participate in the Assises du Numérique éducatif held at the Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco.

In the presence of Mr Patrice Cellario, Government Counselor – Minister of the Interior, Mr Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Digital Transition, and Ms Isabelle Bonnal, Director of National Education, Youth and Sports, Mr. Jean-Marie Panazol, Director General of the Canopé Network, Inspector General of National Education, agreed to share their experience and expertise.


In preparation for this major event, the management teams, teachers and education advisers of the educational institutions concerned were all invited by the National Education, Youth and Sports Department to express their needs and desires for projects in the digital age to concretely live e-education in the classroom.

The synthesis of these contributions has been put into perspective with recent research and new practices in the field of pedagogy.

Participants then participated in 12 workshops to develop digital educational projects. The themes of these workshops took into account the needs and wishes they had expressed: the inverted classroom, educational robotics, computer programming, smart teaching, the escape game, etc.

The conclusions of these conferences will be handed over to the Prince’s Government. They will then study the most relevant projects.