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A plan to help Monaco’s seniors in the country’s digital transition

The city hall and Monaco Telecom concluded a partnership to support the population towards better use of technologies. First appointment on June 27.

If it is today a priority of the country, the digital transition may scare some people.

With this in mind, Monaco City Hall and Monaco Telecom signed earlier this week, a partnership charter for a joint project to raise awareness and support for the Monegasque population for better use of information and communication technologies.


The text, initialled by the mayor, Georges Marsan, and the general manager of Monaco Telecom, Martin Peronnet, must give life to a series of concrete and free measures for the population. “As an institution of proximity, we must accompany the population with offers of services and support,” said the mayor, for whom the digital transition is “the major challenge of the coming years”.

To be pragmatic, the first act of this partnership charter will be a conference open to all, on June 27. The challenges of new technologies and their application in everyday life will be discussed.


This partnership between the mayor and Monaco Telecom is aimed at the seniors. Elders in the Principality that the services of the town hall accompany daily for the use of the devices or the information on the technologies.

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Thus, workshops will be conducted, three to four times a year, on themes for Le Temps de Vivre club members, at the beginning of September. The first will evoke digital security, and the importance, for example, to generate strong passwords.

People who have both a box and remote alarm will no longer be billed for the service (a saving of €17.99). This concerns a hundred people among the 700 beneficiaries of this emergency service. This allows being connected, at home, to a 24-hour emergency telephone alarm.

“It’s a symbolic signature because telecommunication is changing our lives, the risk is to exclude, we want to include, especially the seniors who use it every day,” said Martin Perronet, General Manager of Monaco Telecom.

The company has in particular germinated this idea after the disappearance of DTT and the change of system in the Principality, which required mediation with customers. “We made 700 interventions at the time of the disappearance of TNT to elderly people to whom it was necessary to show, explain ... And with this partnership, we want to extend this link”, confirms Martin Perronet.

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They are also employees of Monaco Telecom: engineers, network specialists but also customer advisers who will take care of conferences and workshops developed in the coming months.

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