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Monegasque “Smart Principality” on the move

The first experience of an autonomous electric shuttle on the Rock this summer. The Principality of Monaco is preparing to take another step in the implementation of its “Smart Principality” concept developed by the #ExtendedMonaco program: an autonomous electric shuttle will work this summer on the Rock for residents and tourists.

From July 3 to September 8, access on board will be free on a loop of about 1 km around Monaco Ville and including 4 stops: Place du Palais Princier, Cathedral, Oceanographic Museum and Place de la Visitation. Its frequency of passage will be 15 minutes.

With a capacity of 15 passengers including 11 seats, this shuttle will be operated by the Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco in partnership with the Keolis transport group. They have already conducted 30 experiments of autonomous shuttles throughout the world (Paris La Défense, Lyon Confluence, London, Las Vegas, …). It is manufactured by the French company Navya, the world leader in the market with more than 60 shuttles deployed in the world.


The safety of travellers will be at the heart of this summer experiment which foresees the presence of an operator of the CAM capable at any time to regain control of the vehicle, by switching to manual navigation mode.

From June 17, residents and tourists will certainly meet this connected shuttle which will start a series of preliminary tests in situ. On June 25 in front of the Oceanographic Museum, a public information day will be held in two stages: through an information session on the stand of the Mission for the Energy Transition all day that will answer all the questions of the residents and to the occasion of an operation “shuttle open” between 12h and 14h to become familiar with this new technology.

A second test in the fall at Larvotto in the direction of the delegates

This experiment on the Rock could be extended by a second test in the fall that would consist of a loop on Princess Grace Avenue linking the Grimaldi Forum to Monte-Carlo Bay during the 4 events that are the Congress IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the Luxe Pack, the Assises of Computer Security and the Sportel.

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The use of the autonomous shuttle is fully in line with the mobility policy of the Prince’s Government. It is implemented jointly by the Planning Department of Urban Planning and Mobility and the Interministerial Delegation for Digital Transition. It aims at enriching a mobility offer composed of ecological services and means of transport,

Smart and connected whose ambition is to facilitate the modal shift towards soft and shared mobility. The fundamental objective is to contribute to strengthening the quality of life and the long-term attractiveness of the Principality.

This is only a first step in learning and preparing the Principality for the mobility of tomorrow. Depending on the results obtained and formalized in a preliminary report, this initiative could be developed over the years.

The end goal is the implementation of a regular service based on these technologies, to provide a “tailor-made” response to mobility needs that the bus network cannot or imperfectly satisfy: pedestrian, request for one-off trips (events) or limited (night service), …

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