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Firefighters in Monaco always ready to intervene

During the summer season, always at high risk for fires, the firefighters in Monaco perfect their training in the fight against forest fires every Wednesday morning. The objective of these training sessions is to continually raise the awareness of the staff about individual and collective safety measures, to acquire good reflexes of positioning, of security, both personal and collective, and to maintain an operational spirit to be in the best conditions in case of intervention on forest fires.

Preceded by a theoretical part, the training consists in particular in the implementation of the equipment and the techniques of the fight against fires.

As Lieutenant-Colonel Norbert Fassiaux pointed out: “If these interventions do not represent the day-to-day life of the Corps, the firefighters must nevertheless be prepared and trained in this kind of situation to intervene in the French sector within the framework of the Franco-Monegasque agreement on the mutual agreement between the Monegasque and French relief and civil protection services, which dates from April 1970.

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