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Update on the fight against road incivility

Patrice Cellario, Government Counselor-Minister of the Interior, and Mrs Sylvie Petit-Leclair, Attorney General of the Principality, held a press briefing on the implementation of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Prince’s Government and the Government of the French Republic. It was signed in Paris on 8 November 2005, in the context of road safety.

Since 2016, in reference to the terms of this agreement, the French judicial authorities have been implementing a spontaneous transmission process for their Monegasque counterparts on serious and repeated offences identified by automatic speed cameras (mainly speeding and non-speeding).

The Public Prosecutor’s Office gives the follow-up as it deems appropriate. The offenders being, in particular, auditioned by the Public Security Department for awareness-raising and a reminder to the law or likely to be directly seized by letters from the Public Prosecutor’s Office.


Since 2016, a significant reduction in road incivility has been noted. The number of repeat drivers with more than 50 offences, from 117 in 2017 to 20 in 2019.

“The fight against road incivility is a strong focus of security of the Government,” said Patrice Cellario. “It must apply both on the national territory and abroad. A feeling of impunity can not exist. The figures presented show that we are working in the right direction.”

The work in question must be continued to further reduce the number of offences that remain too high.

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