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Frédéric Genta invited by the JCE on the impact of digital

The Young Economic Chamber of Monaco (JCE) organized its 3rd edition of the Conference Breakfast of the Year with Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Digital Transition, on the theme The impact of digital transformation in Monaco?”

During his speech, Frédéric Genta successively addressed: the development of digital infrastructures (cloud and 5G), the economic and entrepreneurial repercussions with the ICO program, the new business opportunities and the technological advances of the Principality in short, medium and long terms.

We want to set up a platform whose vocation is to finance the development of the digital industry, just like what we did in April with Luc Jacquet, and we call JCI Monaco to be our partner in this important evolution that the Principality is experiencing.” Frederic Genta said, concluding: “In a year we have done a lot but it is not enough. We all hope to have you with us on these projects.”

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