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Lunch given by the Minister of State on the occasion of the appointment of the Members of the CCIN

On the occasion of the appointment of the Members of the Commission for the Control of Nominative Information (CCIN), Serge Telle organized a luncheon in the presence of the Members of the Prince’s Government. This luncheon made it possible to discuss the forthcoming amendments to the Monegasque legislation on the protection of personal data in order to incorporate into domestic law the highest standards now applicable in Europe.

In this regard, the President of the CCIN wished to underline the perfect collaboration between the State and the Commission services in the framework of the preparatory work for the drafting of the bill intended to modify the current legislation structurally. This joint work, which began almost two years ago, has made it possible to share points of view and experiences so that the future Monegasque legislation is obviously protective of fundamental rights and freedoms, and also takes into account the specificities of the Principality.

The discussions also focused on the process of recognition, by the European authorities, of the adequacy of Monegasque law with regard to the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data applicable on the territory of the European Union for more than a year.

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