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Michelin-starred chef Marcel Ravin chairs the Monaco Organic Food Festival in India

The Principality’s Tourism Board (DTC) and the Société des Bains de Mer (SBM), in association with the Hotel Oberoi’s Vetro restaurant, organized the “Monaco Organic Food Festival” chaired by Michelin-starred chef Marcel Ravin, 26-29 September, Mumbai.

This showcase of Monegasque gastronomy, with its sign “From Monaco with love”, soon conquered its audience in the “Indian city of all dreams” also known as Bombay, thanks to the talent and the personality of the appointed Chef of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort.

For 4 days, the Monaco Organic Food Festival offered exclusive gastronomic tables for influential celebrities, industry personalities and other leading companies, as well as media representatives.
Speaking at the press luncheon organized by the Monaco Representation Office in India, Corinne Kiabski, in charge of the international press in the Principality’s Directorate of Communication, welcomed this initiative. “The festival was very productive for Monaco because we met some very interesting media and influencers, sharing the same values ​​in terms of sustainable development.”


Impressions reinforced by the Chef Marcel Ravin in person: “I waited for so long to come to India, it is a dream that has come true for me. It was such an experience to have been able to share our knowledge with Indian confreres, proving that cooking is above all a matter of love and sharing. So much so that this experience has inspired me and, I promise, I will integrate Indian spice flavours for the creation of new dishes.”

“All this event has been designed to introduce the Principality’s culinary art here in India and why not attract some high-end Indian travellers to the shores of the Mediterranean”, concluded Rajeev Nangia, Director of the Monaco Office in India.

That is why this operation coincided with a joint commercial exploration tour conducted by the DTC, the SBM and the Fairmont Hotel in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore.

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