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Prince Albert II in Japan for the enthronement of Emperor Naruhito

Prince Albert II of Monaco will attend the official induction ceremonies of the Emperor of Japan on Tuesday and Wednesday in Tokyo. The sovereign will also meet the Prime Minister during this stay which will last until the end of the month.

Emperor Naruhito’s induction ceremony was held at the Palais Imperial on Tuesday at 1 pm local time (6 am in Monaco), in the presence of heads of state, ambassadors and representatives of 183 countries and international institutions.

The procession by car of the new emperor – the son of Emperor Akihito who abdicated on April 30 – and his wife Empress Masako, which was due to take place on Tuesday, was postponed because of the violent typhoon Hagibis which has sown death and desolation in the land.


This Tuesday evening, Prince Albert II will be one of 200 guests of the imperial couple, still at the Palace, where he will have the opportunity to come to greet the Emperor and the Empress of Japan. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy will represent France.

On this occasion, on Wednesday, the Sovereign Prince will meet Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, to discuss relations between the two countries and issues of common interest.

Prince Albert II will continue his visit to the land of the rising sun until the end of October.

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