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The Princely Government and the Principality’s employers are committed to ensuring gender equality

On Wednesday, the Princely Government and several social partners committed themselves to put an end to all forms of discrimination between women and men in the company.

“This charter is both an outcome and a promise. It is the result of thorough work, under the impetus of the Sovereign Prince. A work that has been marked by significant progress in recent years, in particular, the establishment of a Committee for the Promotion and Preservation of Women’s Rights and the appointment of Céline Cottalorda, Delegate for the Promotion and Preservation of Women’s Rights. And this charter is also a promise: that of an ever more determined fight against everything that hinders women’s rights in the world of work.”

On Wednesday evening, the Minister of State was pleased to sign a charter to combat inequalities between men and women in the workplace. A text prepared under the leadership of Didier Gamerdinger, an adviser to the government-minister of Social Affairs and Health, and signed by Serge Telle, Georges Marsan, Alberte Escande, Philippe Ortelli, Étienne Franzi, André Garino and Fabien Deplanche. “The signatories represent 99% of employers,” says Didier Gamerdinger.


Only this is it: out of seven signatories, only one woman… Proof that there is still a long way to go to achieve equality. But we must start well and work to raise awareness. The charter contributes to this. Didier Gamerdinger points it out: “I am deeply convinced that the equality of women and men is above all a state of mind. I think we have this state of mind in Monaco, even if there is still a long way to go.”


The Union of Trade Unions of Monaco has the same analysis as the majority of the National Council on the Charter. “Declarations of good intentions are good. But then what?” Olivier Cardot continued: “We have the perfect example with the Charter on temporary agency work. We wonder what it’s for…”

In the premises of the Union of Trade Unions of Monaco, women are sometimes welcomed and advised.

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“When problems happen, it’s subtle. I could mention the example of an employee who returns from her maternity leave and is forced to dismiss without cause under Article 6. Or another young woman who explains that her employer’s view of her changed as soon as she announced her pregnancy. There are also cases of harassment.”

These are all situations that everyone considers unacceptable and yet they do exist.

Then Olivier Cardot called for “legislative measures because the charter only promises”.


Alberte Escande, President of the AIHM (Association de l’industrie hôtelière monégasque)
“In the 21st century, an easier time for women, nothing is more precarious than women’s rights.”

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Georges Marsan, Mayor of Monaco

“While gender equality is more than respected at Monaco’s mayor’s office, unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere. We must, as an institution, lead by example and remain vigilant about what is happening around us.”

Étienne Franzi, President of AMAF (Monegasque Association of Financial Activities)

“For equal work, equal pay. This principle has been in place in banks for a long time. On the other hand, concerning the famous “glass ceiling” preventing women from accessing certain levels of responsibility, things have progressed more slowly. But it’s starting to chip.”

André Garino, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the CHPG

“This commitment is a strong message for the hospital’s health professionals, where some professions are still highly valued by women.”

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Fabien Deplanche, President of the Chambre patronale du bâtiment

“The diversity of our sector of activity can only be an asset, a richness for our companies which, by tending to generalize this situation, will allow us to confirm the attractiveness of our profession.”

Philippe Ortelli, President of the Federation of Monegasque Companies

“In our economic fabric, which is mainly made up of SMEs, employers must fight to attract the best talent. Talent is not defined by gender.”


60. This is the percentage of men, out of 51,601 private-sector employees in 2018 in Monaco; which represents more than 10,000 more male employees! In the civil service, out of 4,702 employees, 57.4% are men. Proof that the administration and public services are in line with the logic of the private sector.


What do you think of this charter?

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In principle, all measures to raise awareness and reduce the gender pay gap are positive. We must also talk about the gap in responsibilities granted to women in the company or the world of work in general, particularly on the boards of directors of large companies, where women are largely under-represented. But the problem is that this charter is only a list of good intentions since there is no mechanism to monitor these commitments. For me, this is public communication posting, when there should also be measures to sanction. Controlling and being able to sanction inequalities if necessary: this would be the only way to reduce them in practice. I also think it is a pity that the actions are not coordinated and carried out alone by the government.

What do you propose?

From the beginning of the mandate, the majority had proposed the creation of a monitoring and complaints committee on pay inequalities. Any woman who felt a proven injustice could bring it to court and this commission would be equipped with the means of sanctions that would alone make it possible to achieve equal treatment in practice today. This is an expected and effective measure. But the government replied no because according to it, it would first have to make statistics via the Imsee, a study that would necessarily take a very long time to carry out. As if we had to know figures about obvious violations of law, before punishing employers who do not comply with it! If the government is sincere in its approach, then let it set up this commission.

What do you think of the #monegalité logo launched by the government?

I prefer to move towards gender equality in a concrete way, through actions, rather than finding marketing tricks. The injustice of the wage difference will not be resolved with a new hashtag.

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