Since Wednesday, ships flying the Monegasque flag have been authorised to sail and temporarily dock in French territorial waters in the Mediterranean. Given the reciprocal nature of Franco-Monegasque governing decisions, French vessels are also allowed to sail and make a stopover in the Principality’s territorial waters.
Monaco’s boats docking and anchoring along the French Riviera are limited to sail within a maximum distance of 54 nautical miles (approximately 62 miles) from Monaco’s ports, by Order n°071/2020 of the Mediterranean Maritime Prefect dated 18th May.
However, the mooring of privately owned yachts and boats is subject to local jurisdiction, according to municipal decrees on the opening or closing of coastal areas along the coastline. It is up to yachts owners to obtain information from the town halls before attempting to dock.
It is essential that sailors call the Coast Guard before entering French territorial waters, either made by semaphore on VHF or telephone.