Man steals Formula 1 Grand Prix products to please his daughter

On 24th May, a forty-year-old with no profession stole clothing related to Formula 1 by browsing the stands installed on the outskirts of the great loop.

How tempting it is to succumb to the attraction of Monaco’s Grand Prix car products! But when you are near the poverty line, it is better to stay off.

Especially since the freedom to count is quickly strapped for constraints, including financial power, for a Corsican came to the mainland of Monaco to take advantage of the test of fame.


In the beginning, the manager of a shop sees an individual leave with a jacket without paying. He runs after the person. Because this kind of caban, fraudulently subtracted, corresponds to 140 euros in negative.

He intercepts the trickster at Square Gastaud and alerts the police.

The agents then take him to the premises of rue Suffren-Reymond to search him. They find T-shirts and three caps still labelled with the prices hidden on him. He then appears before the Criminal Court.

At the hearing, President Florestan Bellinzona wants to know why the defendant had come to the Grand Prix with such limited financial means. “I have suffered a great deal in my life, it’s true, I get an allowance for a disabled person ...”

The magistrate wanted to avoid circumlocutions and gets straight to the point … “I have a girl who loves Formula 1. So, I wanted to make her happy, to spoil her, I’m sorry to behave that way. I had 129 euros on me, but it was to make up for it, eventually, an emergency situation … “


When you listened to him, the culprit would not appear to be a thug. But rather a poor guy who is no longer in the race!

The decoded thought of this single person in need of purchasing power, would be appropriate “to pique the display” as a last resort.

But this is not enough to convince the first substitute Cyrielle Colle about lessening of the offence.

“This man was caught red-handed, his explanations of financial difficulties and to please his daughter does not excuse him if everyone acted in this way … It’s unacceptable! Absence from a loved one with stolen gifts … That is a total of 500 euros! It must be sanctioned so that it never again with a fine with the reprieve.”

The court will follow the requisitions of the public prosecutor’s office inspired by the amount of the offence: 500 euros suspended.