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Toulouse public prosecutor appointed as Monaco’s Secretary of State and Justice

The Toulouse Public Prosecutor will soon replace the current Secretary of State and Justice © Monaco Tribune

The appointment will take effect on 16 September.

A new reshuffle in the Prince’s Government! In a press release published on 30 August 2024, Prince Albert II confirmed that Sylvie Petit-Leclair would soon no longer occupy the position of Secretary of State, Director of Judicial Services, which she has held since 2022. Samuel Vuelta Simon, the current public prosecutor at the Toulouse Judicial Court, will take over from her on 16 September.


A renowned French magistrate, Samuel Vuelta Simon has solid experience in a number of jurisdictions, both in the public prosecutor’s office and on the bench, having been an examining magistrate in several courts and then a public prosecutor in Bayonne before arriving in Toulouse. But he was also appointed liaison magistrate in Madrid and deputy director of the École nationale de la magistrature (National Judiciary School). In particular, he was involved in the fight against organised crime and economic and financial malfaisance.

“Recognised for his ability to manage teams and drive structural reforms, in his new role he will bring his expertise and strategic vision to bear in the service of Monegasque justice, focusing on the efficiency, independence and quality of the judicial system,” stated the Prince’s Palace. Prince Albert II thanked Sylvie Petit-Leclair “for the work carried out at the head of the Department of Justice.”