Monaco library gives access to its readers to more than 42k books online

The municipal library of Monaco has made available to its 3,800 readers access to 42,000+ books through a municipal portal. This also allows for searching documents or submitting suggestions, informed the municipality of Alto Minho.

As per the Camara de Monaco, the aim of the new municipal portal is to “deepen the relationship between the library and its users, also integrating the six school libraries in the county, joining a similar service offered by the Municipal Archive, where it is also possible to consult the documentary collection of that structure “.

“The availability of the online catalogue is another step of the municipality to bring users closer to the municipal library and school, making available a set of services accessible anywhere and at any time,” said the councillor of Social Action, Culture and Tourism, Joao Oliveira.


With the commissioning of the new service, that municipality signalled the School Library Day, which is now celebrated, allowing the readers of the county access to a set of services through the Internet.

“Readers now have the opportunity to search the library’s existing documents, make bookings, renew loans, or make suggestions for new acquisitions, all within a click of a button,” the council said.

According to the local authority, users can also “export, print and save records, view search and loan history, and manage reading preferences.”