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Aboard the first Monegasque autonomous electric shuttle

The Principality of Monaco has taken another step in the implementation of its concept of “Smart Principality” developed by the #ExtendedMonaco program: an autonomous electric shuttle is now working for residents and tourists.

A press conference presenting this new experimental mode of transport in the colours of the Principality took place on Thursday 4th July at the Ministry of State. Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Government Counselor – Minister of Equipment, Environment and Urbanism and Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Digital Transition, presented the outline of this experience which is a part of the mobility policy of the Prince’s Government. They were surrounded by Jean Castellini, Government Counselor – Minister of Finance and Economy, Séverine Canis-Froidefond, Director of Foresight, Urban Planning and Mobility and Christophe Pierre, Director of Development of Digital Uses.

“The aim of this experiment is ultimately to reduce the use of the personal car, to develop public transport and to promote smooth travel. We are entering a learning curve of this mobility of the future,” Marie-Pierre Gramaglia said in the preamble.


“If the experiment proves conclusive, it will be a question of implementing the development of this mode of transport which could be a solution to make up for the reduced number of night buses because of the induced costs or to serve areas where can not run city buses.”

For his part, Frédéric Genta reaffirmed that “inevitably, in the short and medium term, the mobility of tomorrow will be autonomous. Mainly for road safety reasons because the shuttles do not drink, do not cross the speed limits and do not make fishtails! But also for reasons of space savings in terms of parking and reduced costs to serve new lines”, before concluding: “This shuttle around the Rock is not a revolution today, it is nevertheless part of an essential development for the development of future transport.”

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