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66 cyclists pedaled from London to Monaco for the defense of the oceans

66 cyclists took off in London eight days ago to reach Monaco. Objective: to raise funds for the preservation of the oceans. The foundation behind this charity challenge launched this charity bike ride for the fourth time.

For four years now, the Blue Marine Foundation has been organizing a charity challenge: connecting London to Monaco by bike in eight days.

After 900 kilometres, the 66 cyclists arrived in front of the Oceanographic Museum on Tuesday, greeted by the entire Foundation team and tourists amused by the event. An arrival worthy of the greatest champions attests the bottles of champagne sabred.


The riders started on September 17 in London. They went through Spain and then to France, along the coast and finished their journey in the Principality. All did not ride the entire course. 

The goal of this adventure? To raise funds for the safeguarding of the oceans. “We want to limit or even prohibit overfishing, so we designate parts of the oceans as marine reserves for fishing to be banned, fish stocks can rebuild and ecosystems to grow,” says Clare Brook, the organization’s CEO.

Since the beginning of the bike rides, the Foundation has managed to raise one million pounds. But this is only the beginning. “We hope to protect 10% of the world’s oceans by 2020 and 30% by 2030,” continues Clare Brook.

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After an evening on Tuesday with their partner IconConnect, they will celebrate this Wednesday evening, the end of the journey on a superyacht in the company of Prince Albert II, back in the Principality.

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