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Heatwave: how to protect yourself this summer

Heatwave: how to protect yourself this summer

The hot weather has certainly arrived on the French Riviera. Here are a few recommendations to protect yourself given the current COVID-19 situation.

As we know, high heat can be dangerous, especially for children and the elderly. But no one is completely safe, so prevention is better than cure. Here is a list of recommendations to follow to enjoy the summer season in the best conditions:

  • Refresh yourself regularly with showers, a washcloth or a water mister.
  • Drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day, even when you are not thirsty.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, tea, coffee and sugary drinks that will just make you more dehydrated.
  • Eat water-rich foods and cut down on hot meals (fruit, raw vegetables, etc).
  • Avoid going out during the hottest hours, between 11am and 5pm. Go out wearing a hat and light, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Avoid physical exertion, especially outdoors.
  • To keep your home cool, close the shutters during the day and open them at night. You can also hang a damp cloth at your window.
  • Try to spend two to three hours a day in a cool place.
  • Keep in touch with your loved ones, especially the more vulnerable ones.

If you feel unwell or notice a change in your behaviour, contact your doctor or the fire brigade by dialling 18 or 112.

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