In brief

How Monaco said no to violence against women

She Can He Can Monaco (1)
She Can He Can Monaco

Wednesday 25 November marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Founded by the United Nations, the day is celebrated all around the world.

“A strong man doesn’t beat his wife,” says Monaco freediver Pierre Frolla for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Yet all around the world, violence against women continues to be pervasive.


The United Nations describes it as “an invisible pandemic”. The analogy with Covid-19 is not just catchy: statistics show that the pandemic has increased cases of violence against women and girls, particularly cases of domestic violence.

We try to tackle the issue on several fronts: we do prevention, we offfer information on support and emergency services, as well as train professionals that are able to deal with violence

Céline Cottalorda, Ministerial Delegate for Women’s Rights in Monaco

Monaco takes a stand

Monaco launched a campaign to raise awareness about violence against women on 13 November 2020. As part of the campaign, 110 men took a stand by sharing a picture of themselves on social media. SheCan HeCan and Fight Aids Monaco are behind the social media initiative.

Every year since 2015, on 25 November, the Prince’s Palace, the National Council and the Odeon Tower are lit in orange, colour of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.