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Covid-19: Monaco and France row over border restrictions

Manuel Vitali

Since the 1 February, there have been ongoing discussions between France and the Principality regarding the current 30km travel restriction. Last Saturday, the prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes region announced exceptions to this rule, much to Monaco’s displeasure.

Two weeks ago, a 30km travel restriction between Monaco and France was imposed. According to the new legislation, Monégasque citizens and residents can only travel into France if their destination falls within a 30km radius from Monaco.


Last Saturday, France decided to relax this measure for Monégasque citizens and residents. Now they no longer need to provide a negative PCR test “for trips to the Alpes-Maritime region lasting less than 24 hours.” However, the Princely Government is not pleased with France’s new decision, as it breaches the “franco-monégasque agreement which guarantees the freedom of movement between both countries.”

>> READ ALSO: Covid-19: New rules for Monaco residents travelling to France

Monaco tightens their border regulations

In response to France’s changed rules, anyone entering the Principality will be subject to tougher regulations. As of Monday 15 February, anyone crossing the border from France must present a negative PCR test, taken within the last 72 hours, and a certificate declaring non-contagion. Commuters, school children and students are all exempt from this measure, as are residents from the Alpes-Maritimes region travelling to Monaco for less than 24 hours.

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Following an announcement by the Princely Government, there will also be greater opportunities to take a PCR test. As the Principality is supplied with more tests and more people are wanting to take them, from Wednesday 17 February onwards there will be more appointments made available to the public.

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