
Mareterra Monaco: What do our readers think?

Mareterra inauguration
The Princely family at the eco-district's inauguration©️ Communication department / Manuel Vitali

The Princely Family inaugurated Mareterra, the Principality’s new eco-district, on 4 December 2024. The project took 8 years to complete and involved over 6,000 workers. Almost 2 months after its inauguration, Monaco Tribune asked its readers what they think of it.

Many of you have strolled around the new district and used the 500-metre prom along the seafront. A nice walk, but the lack of vegetation is a major blot on the copybook in your opinion. Coco, for example, says on Facebook: “Maybe a bit more vegetation, but with the wind off the sea… succulents perhaps?!” 


Véronique contacted us via Messenger to tell us that she found it a shame “that the promenade has no vegetation” and expressed concern about high temperatures: “In the summer heat, it could well be unbearable.” Claire thinks there is “too much concrete, especially on the west side.”

Bernard is concerned about the future businesses: “I’m afraid we’re going to have a few problems with the shops, surrounded by concrete, but no greenery.”

Futuristic design

You’ve clearly been won over by the design of the buildings and the water features. Bernard was left speechless: “I’m blown away by the development’s futuristic vision. Even if it isn’t lived in yet, it promises to be a beautiful neighbourhood surrounded by and on the water.”

Arianna feels it’s the district’s “clean, essential lines”  that give it its charm. She was also struck by the dazzling sunlight reflected on the windows of the new buildings.

An ultra-modern neighbourhood © Arianna Minghetti Melani via Messenger

A neighbourhood that is slowly coming to life

Of the dozen or so businesses that were initially planned, few are already open. The neighbourhood’s new residents haven’t all arrived yet, but it is slowly coming to life.

Jocelyne felt that the meditation room was “not at all suitable, with all the passers-by,” while Véronique told us that “the homes look empty” and “it lacks life.” Marius told us that what was missing was “a building for real Monegasques.”

© Cyril Tondut via Facebook

Overall, feedback on the new eco-neighbourhood is very positive, with many of you sharing your impressions with us. Patrizia and Michele think it is “splendid” and “magnificent.” Jeannine feels the neighbourhood “is a great success” and Cyril “loved it.” It’ll be a few more months before it becomes a living, breathing neighbourhood!