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Prince’s Government and AS Monaco join together in the fight against violence against women

Prince’s Government and AS Monaco join together in the fight against violence against women

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights announced on June 3rd their new partnership with AS Monaco. The aim is to provide temporary accommodation for women who are victims of domestic violence.

The Prince’s Government and AS Monaco announced on June 3rd the creation of a partnership to protect victims of violence in the Principality. “AS Monaco supports the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights in the fight against violence against women”, explained ASM.


Free accommodation

Since May, through its initiative AS Monacoeur, the football club has made part of its facilities available to shelter victims of violence until the end of June, free of charge. The initiative was welcomed by Céline Cottalorda, ministerial representative for the committee, who “wishes to warmly thank AS Monaco for this gesture of solidarity and generosity.”

Other schemes in the Principality are available. If you need help or advice, you can contact 0 800 91 90 10 (free call 7 days a week). In case of emergency, whether you are a victim or a witness, call 17 or 93 15 30 15. An e-mail address is also available:

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