Ukraine: Monaco Red Cross appeals for donations

An emergency appeal was launched on Saturday to help the population in the country and in neighbouring states.
In view of the deteriorating situation and the widening armed conflict in Ukraine, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have decided to step in to help with humanitarian work.
This emergency appeal will fund protection and psycho-social support. The populations concerned will be able to benefit from emergency relief (food and other), basic health care, and other health services for the most affected.
The Red Cross response will also focus on providing support and reuniting separated family members, particularly for unaccompanied minors and the most vulnerable people (elderly, disabled, etc.).
SEE ALSO: Three questions on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and Monaco
80 000 euros already earmarked
Like most other countries in Europe, the Principality is setting up local solidarity initiatives to help the Ukrainian population as best it can. This is the case for the Caritas Monaco charity, in partnership with Caritas Ukraine, which has launched an appeal for donations to provide equipment and other items that may be of use to the victims.
The Monegasque Red Cross is also taking part in the emergency appeal and will support victims of the conflict by providing financial aid of up to 80,000 euros. An appeal for (financial) donations has also been launched.
To make a donation:
By cheque to: Croix-Rouge monégasque – Ukraine – 27 bd de Suisse – 98000 Monaco.
Online: head over to the Monaco Red Cross official website.