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CFM Indosuez celebrates centenary at Oceanographic Museum

© Studio4K – From left to right: Robert Calcagno, CEO of the Institute of Oceanography; Prince Albert II; Mathieu Ferragut, CEO of CFM Indosuez

Prince Albert II attended a special dinner and congratulated the bank for its commitment.

2022 marks the 100th anniversary of CFM Indosuez Wealth Management, and they are celebrating in style. Back in January, the bank organised a ballet performance. A few months later, they had the honour of being named best bank in Monaco by Global Finance Magazine for the sixth year in a row. And this month the bank again celebrated its centenary while demonstrating its commitment to protecting the ocean and developing blue finance.


To mark the occasion, the bank organised a dinner on the roof of the Oceanographic Museum, Monaco’s symbol of marine protection.

Committed, alongside with the Oceanographic Institute, to “promoting awareness, love for and protection of the oceans”, the bank has sponsored coral on behalf of the dinner guests, presenting them with a personalised bracelet with the coral’s GPS coordinates.

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CFM Indosuez took the opportunity to highlight its different environmental initiatives. For example, the bank prefers partners who are also committed to protecting nature, keeps its environmental footprint as small as possible and offers its clients responsible investment solutions.

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During the evening, Prince Albert II congratulated the bank for its contribution in the economic development of the Principality since its creation and for its commitment to sustainable development and responsible finance over the last 20 years.

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