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Police premises are relocating

Communications department / Michael Alesi

The public will now be welcomed in the new building.

A new leaf is being turned. From 24 October, 8.30 a.m., the services of the Judicial Police Division and the Urban Police Division of the Public Safety Directorate will occupy their new quarters at 2 avenue Albert II, in front of the Louis II stadium.


Please note that for the first two days of the move (24 and 25 October), the reception will still be in the old building on rue Suffren Reymond.

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However, the transfer is only temporary. The Public Safety Directorate is moving while rehabilitation work is being carried out in the current premises. The building will be empty and the work will be carried out more quickly.

The new building, a feat of ephemeral architecture, was built in just five months. It spans the road and has three floors with a total area of 2,500m².

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