Coronavirus in Monaco: 10 most important announcements today

Principality’s stakeholders made several statements today following the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus on the national territory and in neighbouring countries. Here are the ten main announcements to remember from this Monday 16th March.
1. A ninth positive case revealed in Monaco
The ninth patient is Monaco’s Minister of State. Serge Telle shows few symptoms and remains confined at home in accordance with the protocol adopted by the Monegasque authorities. He is receiving medical monitoring coordinated by the Princess Grace Hospital Centre. Serge Telle’s state of health does not give cause for concern.–kRXyQaj2waGHJxd_bCw_30HA6LlbMumShiGPuJHGrFAsiMIlmvE_lQ1kmlq_vFl1rEEE0fBTnXrl_jmLhjPweL6aEqEUeleBJ9kBpZIj_dGt5XACL2utZzhgQC-5pLTueyHIVRLKgtcOmhaDOnMZB1EqXzO4XZM_SWZtJhHQU4oBk_6NOAKCQrY5dh7Gx1toiTpbwGxA3eG5kSaquiohk9hECg153Aj33mPgmwsf0DmoLCWmMAfj68gYg5daBWvDVjZwTgiJuYZ4dw2yDgOTRH_c0hgR9AvR6wyLDnT6iEIAL4&__tn__=-R
2. The closure of the crèches
The Princely Government has decided to close until further notice day nurseries and schools. Parents who are unable to benefit from distance work can take an indemnified sick leave, on condition that the other parent is not placed in a position of temporary total unemployment.
3. A budget to prevent bankruptcies
Jean Castellini, Government Counsellor and Minister of Finance and the Economy, announced the release of a budget of 50 million euros in the form of a State counter-guarantee to banks for companies in financial difficulties. This comes in addition to the measures decreed so far: a two-month deferral of VAT payments, facilitated partial or total temporary unemployment, subsidies for bank loans or zero-interest loans granted by banks, the interest on which will be paid by the State, and the establishment of a guarantee fund for loans granted, increasing from 65% to 100%.
4. Prohibition of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Serious adverse events related to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been reported in patients with COVID-19. The Government of Monaco has recalled that the treatment of poorly tolerated fever or pain in the context of COVID-19 or any other respiratory virosis is based on paracetamol, without exceeding the dose of 60 mg/kg/day and 3 g/day. NSAIDs should be avoided.
5. The implementation of telework
The Princely Government has recommended the introduction of teleworking in order to enable economic activity to continue while meeting childcare requirements. For commuters, this is a coherent response to the gradual slowdown in the supply of public transport, particularly rail transport (SNCF and Thello).
6. Markets remain open, but distance must be respected!
The Monaco City Hall has reminded everyone that the Condamine and Monte-Carlo markets remain open. On the other hand, consuming food directly on-site is not allowed. Monegasques are called upon to give priority to telephone orders and home delivery of groceries. The City Hall has also published the contact details of shopkeepers who are able to take orders. The City Hall’s delivery service will take care of delivering home shopping free of charge (in Monaco only). The Mayor reminded everyone the importance of respecting a distance of 1.5 metres between people when going shopping.
7. Several municipal sites are now closed to the public
Monaco City Council has pointed out that most municipal sites are now closed to the public. In particular:
- All municipal nurseries
Princess Antoinette Park
Exotic Garden
Saint-Charles swimming pool
Hercules Fitness Club
Monaco Media Library – Louis Notari Library, Caroline Library – Toy and Video Library – Sound library José Notari
Rainier III Academy
Superior School of Plastic Arts – Bosio Pavilion
Espace Léo Ferré
A Casa d’i Soci – The House of Associations
Moneghetti Stadium
The Princess Stephanie Gymnasiums
Senior Restaurant A Pignata
Le Club le Temps de Vivre
In addition, most upcoming events have been cancelled:
- St. Patrick’s Day Concert – Exotic Garden of Monaco
Early music concert by the students of the Académie Rainier III – Sainte-Dévote Church
Collection ” Monaco commits itself against the waste of sneakers and accessories “.
Animations proposed by the Monaco Media Library during the month of March
8. AS Monaco suspends training and closes premises
AS Monaco has suspended the training of the professional team with an individualised interview programme provided to each player while away from the field. In addition, the premises of the La Turbie Training Centre and Louis-II Stadium will remain closed until further notice. The official shop located on Promenade Honoré II in Monaco is also now closed.
— AS Monaco EN (@AS_Monaco_EN) March 16, 2020
9. The National Council of Monaco is drawing up proposals in response to the health crisis
The elected representatives of the Monegasques came together to draw up several proposals to deal with COVID-19. The National Council of Monaco has called for the creation of a crisis unit which should be made up of the Minister of State, three Government Councillors, a representative of the Monegasque medical system, the Director of the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, a representative of the National Council, and also a representative of the Marie de Monaco. This crisis unit must communicate “in a unified manner for essential decisions, with a single voice”, according to Council President Stéphane Valérie.
Nous sommes tous unis ici au @ConseilNatMC, derrière notre Prince Souverain en ces moments compliqués, face à cette crise sans précédent #COVID19. #Monaco #directCN
— Stéphane VALERI (@stephanevaleri) March 16, 2020
10. No access to the Palais de Justice
Monaco’s Palais de Justice will be closed to the public and all hearings will be suspended, except in urgent cases, following the decision of Robert Gelli, the Director of the Principality’s Judicial Services. Only hearings of an essential nature will be held, such as those related to detention or, in civil matters, to protect a minor or a person who is a victim of domestic violence”, said the Director of Judicial Services. The initial period of one month may be renewed depending on the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic.