UN: Monaco reiterates commitment to ocean protection

Marking the start of the Ocean Decade, 2020 was supposed to be a turning point year for ocean protection – then came Covid-19. Yet, even after the pandemic largely overshadowed environmental endeavours, the UN still managed to squeeze in an end-of-year General Assembly on oceans and the law of the sea. Monaco was there to reiterate yet again its complete dedication to ocean protection.
Only 15 days after the international symposium on “Human Health and the Oceans” organised by the Monaco Scientific Center, the Prince Albert II Foundation, and Boston College, Monaco has taken once again a firm stand in favour of ocean protection.
2021: a crucial year for the protection of biodiversity
During the General Assembly, which took place in New York, Prince Albert said that Monaco would participate “with great determination” in the crucial meetings of 2021. “These meetings are essential for setting ambitious targets in the fight against climate change, the protection of the seas and oceans, and the restoration of biodiversity,” he said.
>> MORE ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Monaco unveils environmental declaration to “avoid ecological disaster”
Florian Botto, the Second Secretary of Monaco’s Permanent Mission to the UN, also spoke, reminding the assembly that “the issues related to the oceans, climate change, and biodiversity are all interconnected”.
Monaco: a hub for ocean protection
Botto highlighted Monaco’s role as a center of excellence ocean protection. “For nearly 100 years, the Rock has been home to the International Hydrographic Organization and the IAEA’s Environmental Laboratories,” he said.