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Monaco offers taxi vouchers to boost the economy

Romain Boisaubert / Monaco Tribune

As the Principality strives to boost the economy, particularly with the creation of the Red and White funds to support shops and restaurants, the latest measure “Ticket Taxisi+” has just been launched.

Anyone dining in Monaco or going out for a bite to eat will be able to benefit from free transport through the Principality as part of the new “Tickets Taxis+” service. It is hoped that this measure will help support shops, restaurants and taxi companies, as well as people living in Monaco and neighbouring cities.


As part of the service, €15 for each taxi fare will be paid for by the Princely Government and the shops and restaurants participating in the scheme. The government will subsidise €10 of the fare and the partnered businesses will make up the other €5.

Multiple objectives for the scheme

By launching this co-financed voucher scheme, the Principality hopes to see several results. First of all they wish to bring in more business for taxi drivers, who have been hit hard by the pandemic, as well as help local businesses and restaurants get back on their feet. It is hoped the Taxi+ voucher scheme will also make life more enjoyable for people living in Monaco.

It is an innovative initiative aimed at facilitating travel throughout the Principality without increasing the number of cars on the roads.

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