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Prince Albert II and his children enjoy a canoe trip in the Dordogne

Canoes Roquegeoffre Port D'enveaux via Facebook

The Princely Family, without Princess Charlene, took a scenic trip on the Dordogne River.

Following a stay in South Africa, where the Princely Family finally had the opportunity to reunite, the Sovereign and his two children went to the Dordogne for a canoe trip.


In photos published on the Facebook page of the Roquegeoffre company (a canoe rental company), Prince Albert II appeared in sportswear ready to tackle the river descent.

Countryside excursion

Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, accompanied by their father, enjoyed a guided descent of the Dordogne. Under a blazing sun (Prince Albert II protected himself with a hat and the children with their caps), they traversed the landscapes of the region, known in particular for its villages and its castles.

On their Facebook page, the staff of Roquegeoffre are already looking forward to another princely excursion: “Thank you for this visit and see you next year for the 28 km.”

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