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Films and Prince Albert I: new stamp issues announced

Office des Timbres de Monaco

They will be on sale between September and October 2022.

Stamps and mail art are not dead. A cherished remnant of the days when people sent letters and postcards throughout the year, the mere sight of stamps today brings a sense of nostalgia and a hint of a smile to our faces.


Thanks to the Office des Timbres, Monaco continues to issue thousands of stamps bearing symbols of the Principality to promote it throughout the world. At the end of 2022, between September and October, the stamp office is preparing to offer 11 new stylised stamps featuring events and personalities ranging from the Football World Cup in Qatar to Princes Honoré I and Albert I.

Prince Albert I

Commemorating the centenary of the Prince Explorer’s death is a must, and Prince Albert I is strongly represented in the new series of stamps. These beautiful vignettes take us on a journey to Portugal, following the Prince’s maritime expeditions.

For example, the stamp “Albert I and the Azores” transports us to the Portuguese archipelago through a painting by Louis Tinayre. The second stamp evokes the island of Madeira and in particular the “Descents in Carros de Cesto [wicker sleds]”. To accompany the opening of the new exhibition “The Oceanographer Friend: Albert I and Portugal 1873-1920” in Lisbon, a stamp will be produced showing the Prince Explorer and his friend King Dom Carlos of Portugal.

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Finally, a last stamp bearing the effigy of Prince Albert I will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Monaco Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology founded by the Prince Explorer, following the discoveries made in the Grimaldi cave.

SEE ALSO : Monaco’s summer stamps feature Prince, cats and corals

Films made in Monaco

The Principality has seen many films showcase its streets and monuments. To reflect this, the Stamp Office is launching a series of stamps bearing iconic scenes. As a result, on 4 October, the films I’ll Be Waiting in Monte Carlo, Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo, Grand Prix and Seven Thieves will all be honoured with a special stamp.

This could be an opportunity to discover new period feature films and delve into a time when the Principality was completely different.

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For more information and to see all the stamps : OETP

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