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Monte-Carlo Casino hosts first ladies’ poker tournament

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Communication Department / Michael Alesi

Up for grabs: 10,000 euros, to be donated to Fight Aids Monaco. 

Speaking to us with glass of champagne in hand, Martine Elena is delighted. “I had an extraordinary afternoon with all of you and I am especially happy to have contributed to the work of the Fight Aids Monaco charity.”


A few minutes earlier, Martine went “all in” against her final opponent in the Ladies Poker Power tournament. Two pair, a king and a six were enough for her to win the round and first place in the tournament. As well as Martine, 19 other influential women in the Principality played poker for the afternoon. Prior to the tournament, the participants attended two training sessions, as most of them were new to poker.

Martine Elena donated 10,000 euros to the Fight Aids Monaco association and won a lunch at the Louis XV – Alain Ducasse at the Hôtel de Paris Monaco. For the runner-up, it will be lunch at the Pavyllon Monte-Carlo Yannick Alléno and the third place winner won a meal at the Grill in the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo.

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“It’s a concept that we borrowed from Chicago, where Poker Power has 28,000 members, all women […] (poker) requires qualities that the businesswomen of Monaco possess: strategy, self-sacrifice and patience,” says Rudy Tarditi, director of Monaco Casinos. Poker Power is a company founded and run by women, for women. Halfway between an educational platform and coaching, the company’s goal is to teach women to play poker and, at the same time, to be more successful in their daily lives, both professionally and personally.

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