Monaco has world’s highest density of wealthy people

It is said that one in 39 residents is extremely wealthy in the Principality.
They are called UHNWIs, or ultra-high net worth individuals. This means extremely wealthy individuals indeed, with at least $30 million in investable assets, excluding property, which is just over €25 million.
According to the latest “Luxury Real Estate 2023” report published by the Altrata platform, Monaco has the highest density of UHNWIs in the world. The Principality boasts one extremely wealthy individual for every 39 residents.
Altrata based its report on properties owned in Monaco, whether they are used as a primary or secondary residence.
Julie Faupel, founder and CEO of specialist platform REALM, which sponsored the report, said: “As we emerge from years of uncertainty, marked by a historic pandemic, social unrest, political debates and natural disasters, whatever the demographic data may be, luxury has brought about a monumental shift in the minds of the world’s population. We are delighted to be working with Altrata for the second time, to find out how this change is influencing how and where the wealthiest individuals decide to settle.”