Carbon monoxide detectors now compulsory in Monaco

This obligation applies to homes that are connected to the mains gas network.
A new measure by the Government of Monaco. In the interests of the occupants’ safety, it has become compulsory for homes connected to the mains gas network to be fitted with carbon monoxide detectors, since July 22.
These detectors must be capable of sounding an audible alarm on the premises to warn occupants of an abnormal increase in carbon monoxide levels. The odourless, colourless toxic gas can cause serious poisoning and/or death. The alarm can also be supplemented by the simultaneous transmission of information to one or more connected devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
To be fully effective, the alarm’s installation must comply with a number of criteria:
The detector must be placed in the same room as the source of the gas
- It must be situated one to three metres from the fuel-burning appliance
If wall-mounted: it must be higher than any doors and windows, and at least 15 cm from the ceiling
If it is mounted on the ceiling: it must be kept clear of any obstacles.
There are a few simple things you can do on a daily basis to reduce the risks: air your home every day and ensure that any boilers, heaters and equipment connected to the mains gas network are properly maintained every year.
The Government of Monaco mentions that, as a general rule, the manufacturer’s recommendations for installation and use must be adhered to. If in doubt, best call in a professional.
For more information on the precautions to take and first aid in the event of poisoning, feel free to consult the “Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning” factsheet (in English) on the MonServicePublic website.