In brief

Prince’s Palace shares magical Christmas tree and season’s greetings

sapin de Noël Monaco Palais Princier
The Princely Family wishes a Merry Christmas in a video revealing the tree at the Prince's Palace © Prince's Palace

With Christmas just hours away, the Prince’s Palace has shared a magical video of its Christmas tree.

The Prince’s Palace unveiled the annual family photo on 2 December to mark the arrival of the festive season. Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene and their twins Jacques and Gabriella posed at the foot of the Christmas tree to share their season’s greetings.

Carte de voeux
© Eric Mathon – Princ’e’s Palace

Today, in the run-up to Christmas Day, the Prince’s Palace unveiled a majestic decorated Christmas tree, with pride of place in the princely home.

To accompany the video, the Princely Family wrote: “Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas. En ces temps de fêtes, recevez nos vœux les plus chaleureux pour un joyeux Noël et une belle et heureuse année 2025.

In this festive season, our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.

Ün acheste feste nataliçie, ve purzëmu i nostri ciü sinceri augüri per ün bon Natale e üna felice e prun bela anà 2025.”

It was yet another thoughtful gesture to the Monegasque population, after the distribution of gifts by the Princely Twins on 18 December in the Cour d’Honneur of the Prince’s Palace.

Hereditary Prince Jacques
Monegasque children received gifts and treats from the Princely Family © Communications department / Manuel Vitali