In brief

Covid-19: In 2020 Monaco gave 3 million euro in foreign aid

Opération Blanket feeding - Lancement de l’opération Blanket feeding au Niger © Adamou Issoufou

In 2020, Monaco’s department of International Cooperation introduced a new aid program to help partner countries get through the pandemic.


Coronavirus and the ensuing blow to the global economy saw the number of people living below the poverty line drastically rise. During this difficult year, Monaco has shown constant support to vulnerable countries.

Already in May 2020, Prince Albert was helping raise money for the development of a vaccine against coronavirus. In November, during the 2nd board session of the UN’s World Food Program, Monaco reiterated its commitment to supporting vulnerable countries. A gesture that made Bénédicte Schutz, Director of International Cooperation, describe Monaco as “a loyal and reliable public donor that is close to the world’s poorest”.

>> READ MORE: Nobel Peace Prize: Monaco’s long involvement with the World Food Program

Monaco, one of the most prosperous countries in the world, is also facing the financial and economic shock caused by the pandemic. Nevertheless, it was unthinkable not to show our solidarity.

Laurent Anselmi, Government Counsellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

3 million euros in foreign aid in 2020

In response to international and national appeals, in 2020, the Government of Monaco gave three million euro in foreign aid. Two-thirds of the foreign aid fund went to the seven least developed countries in the world.

The foreign aid fund financed various projects, including a pandemic prevention campaign in Burundi, support measures for the families of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and masks for vulnerable communities in Niger.

*Monaco’s partner countries are South Africa, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia.