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Camille Gottlieb: “Helping others is a source of immense pride”

Camille Gottlieb portrait
Camille Gottlieb is starting her own business this year © Frédéric Nébinger

We caught up with Camille Gottlieb, Princess Stephanie’s daughter, to discuss her current workload with her many charities, but also her future projects in the Principality. 

From the voluntary sector to entrepreneurship, Camille Gottlieb is launching her own freelance communications company this year. Deeply attached to the values that her mother has passed on to her, she continues to combat the scourge of drink-driving through her charity Be Safe Monaco, but also to save animals with the SPA (animal protection society) and to help young people and seniors with the Monegasque Red Cross.


Camille, hello, how are you first of all? 

Hello! I am very, very well. I’m in the middle of preparing for the Grand Prix, and I’m already tired just thinking about it, but everything’s fine, thank you!

You are 25 years old, 26 on July 15, how does it feel to have already accomplished so much at your age, for example your many initiatives with Be Safe Monaco or your support for the Monegasque Red Cross?

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It feels normal (laughs), personally I feel good. I feel useful to other people, helping and defending causes that are particularly close to my heart. I am also very active in my mother’s charity, Fight Aids Monaco, and I recently joined the Board of Directors of the Monaco SPA. The voluntary sector is very important to me, both for my personal growth as a woman, and for the Principality’s development.

Where does this desire to engage with people, especially young people, to want to help and save lives come from?

I have seen my mother helping others, whether on a personal or community level, since I was born. She has always told me, “I thrive on people’s smiles.” Since my brother and sister and I were little, she has always instilled these values in us, so that we realise how fortunate we are and never forget it. That’s why it feels natural to me to want to help out, and I’m generous in my personal life too. To my mind, someone who doesn’t help isn’t trustworthy.

Camille has an unconditional love of pets, especially her little dog Léonie © Frédéric Nébinger 

Let’s talk about your charity, Be Safe, which needs no introduction here in Monaco. How do you go about preparing for the summer season, which is just around the corner?

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Be Safe is expanding. A second shuttle bus will be available from July for the summer season, thanks to our partnership with the Société des Bains de Mer, which is also funding a driver. The SBM is a huge entity here in Monaco and its support shows that our cause is worthwhile.

Its Chairman, Stéphane Valeri, also wants to raise awareness among seasonal workers, so that they in turn can help to raise customer awareness. It’s a chain and I noticed this particularly when I was working at the MK Club: one person, one sentence, can change everything. Monaco’s night spots are in competition with each other of course, but need to work together on this.

What does the future hold for Be Safe? Are there any new developments or more partnerships in the pipeline?

The last two years have been very difficult on the ground. 2023 was the deadliest year on Monaco’s roads in terms of alcohol-related accidents. Even though Be Safe has been around for over five years, attitudes are unfortunately slow to change. Last year’s fatalities were particularly young, I think the oldest was 33 or 34 and the youngest was 19.

At Be Safe, this has given us even more strength to fight for the victims’ families who support us, and to help the Principality and neighbouring towns. Thanks to our new partner, the IUM (International University of Monaco), we will be able to raise awareness and help young people, particularly students, even more.

We are always open to new partnerships, but above all we need more volunteers. With two shuttles now, ideally there would always be a volunteer with the driver, in case there is an issue with the passengers. In future, we will continue to work with the police, the Aide aux Victimes d’Infractions Pénales (victim support organisation) and the Association des Parents d’Élèves (parents’ association), so that we can be on the ground and raise awareness among youngsters.

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Margaux Grundstein, Treasurer, Camille Gottlieb, President, Laura Dias, Executive Assistant at Be Safe Monaco © Frédéric Nébinger

Let’s look at the Monegasque Red Cross now. You look after the ‘Jeunesse et Avenir’ (Youth and Future) section. What has it been doing to date?

At the Monegasque Red Cross, our guiding principle is the intergenerational relationships between seniors and youngsters. I have to admit I’m very fond of the seniors and elderly side of things. All the volunteers in my section spend a lot of time in retirement homes and I myself run bingo sessions at the Centre Rainier III. We are also going to be working with the SPA to bring dogs in for them. I try to get all my charities talking to each other and I think that’s one of my strengths.

Camille during a visit to the Centre Rainier III  with the Monegasque Red Cross © Frédéric Nébinger

I feel really fulfilled at the Red Cross. When my uncle asked me to join the Board of Directors, I was extremely touched and honoured. During meetings, when I need to say what I think, people can see that I take my role as head of the Youth and Future section very seriously. I think, I hope, that my uncle is very pleased with his choice. I’m not afraid to make decisions to better people’s lives. Helping others is a source of immense pride.

Camille at the Monegasque Red Cross Board of Directors © Frédéric Nébinger

One last question, do you have any other projects in mind? New charities to launch or support, or perhaps projects of a more personal nature? 

I am launching my own communication, marketing, content creation and brand improvement company. I will work as I did before at the MK Club, but freelance this time. The Grand Prix will be a great starting point for me, I think.

I have a lot of little projects in mind. No more new charities at the moment I promise (laughs) but I will always be there to support a cause that is close to my heart, such as the Telethon for example. Today I want to focus on my projects, on myself. It took me a while to take the plunge, but now I’m up and running, and I have a lot of personal and professional support.

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